Life Style : The main problem that appears in the sex life of Nepalese couples is sexual weakness, i.e. lack of sexual desire. In addition, the problem of premature ejaculation is seen in men, while the problem of white discharge is seen in women.

When there is no conversation between the couple about sex, the misunderstandings start to grow. If a husband or wife has sexual impotence and he does not tell his partner about his problem, the problem will increase.

Husband and wife start doubting why he does not want to keep in touch with me, whether he has any relationship with others. It is found that when there is suspicion in this way, the sex life between them is not good and misunderstandings increase.

Sexual suspicion and discord

Premature ejaculation problem

If the man ejaculates before the woman reaches the climax, it is called premature ejaculation. According to the timing, if the ejaculation occurs at exactly this time, it does not mean that it is premature ejaculation. But if ejaculation occurs faster than three minutes, it is called premature ejaculation.

There is contact after a long gap, the condition is very excited and even if other things play in the mind during sexual intercourse, premature ejaculation occurs.

Unsatisfied sex

It is heard that the couple is not able to fully enjoy sex due to premature ejaculation. But they feel inferior about this matter and do not listen to their partner’s problems. They don’t get sexual pleasure anymore. They also do not discuss how to increase the time of sex.

For better sex

Premature ejaculation can be prevented if one can change the posture to prevent premature ejaculation, increase the time of foreplay, and focus on the partner without focusing elsewhere. If premature ejaculation occurs even after taking these measures, it is necessary to go to the hospital to find out whether this is due to a hormonal disorder and treat it according to the doctor’s advice.

Presence of body in sex

Dissatisfaction between the couple is also found regarding the size of the genitals. But the size of the penis does not affect the sex life of the couple. Size does not matter that much.

After giving birth, women worry that my vagina has become bigger. Some men worry that the size of the penis has become smaller. This concern only increases dissatisfaction. Especially physical things do not have much importance in sex. It does not mean that you should not pay attention to physical things. But people give more importance to physical things than they need.

Marital discord due to sex

When the sex life is not happy, there will be quarrels between the couple. Due to the fact that the sex life is not happy, some people may also have depression problems. Divorce can also happen as the discord increases.

It is also seen that not talking openly about sex with each other creates suspicion. Therefore, if you want to make your sex life happy, the couple should talk to each other openly about sex. Doing this solves many problems.

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