Kathmandu. In recent days, even small things have gone viral on social media. Events in any part of the world go viral on social media.

A few days ago, the demolition of a Hindu temple in Pakistan went viral. After the pictures and videos went viral on social media, the government came under pressure from all over the world.

Hindu organizations in Nepal have also condemned the incident and demanded justice for the Hindus by bringing the culprits to justice.


India has officially condemned the incident and demanded justice. Pakistan’s Imran Khan government has said it will rebuild the temple and take action against all those involved.

Meanwhile, a sad news has come from Pakistan’s Sindh province. In Jhando Mashaikh village of Khairpur district, a child has been treated in an unimaginable manner. A villager has beheaded two 10-year-old boys on charges of theft.

Pictures of them shaving their heads are going viral on social media. Strict action has been demanded against those involved in the incident. Their identities have not been released.

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