
आकाश वीसी को फर्जी फेसबुक आईडी बनाने पर सुप्रीम कोर्ट ने दी सजा

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  • 1 year ago
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Supreme Court punishes Akash VC for creating fake Facebook ID : अश्लील तस्वीरें भेजकर महिलाओं को बदनाम करने वालों को सुप्रीम कोर्ट ने सजा दी गई है। सोशल मीडिया फेसबुक पर फर्जी आईडी बनाकर महिला को बदनाम करने वाले पर …

8 people died when a car hit a group of people in Texas, USA

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  • 1 year ago
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Kathmandu. 8 people died when a car hit a group of people in Texas, USA. International media reported that a group of people were hit by a car at a bus stop near a shelter for homeless and immigrants. The …

Easy victory for PSG without Lionel Messi

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without Messi : PSG won easily in the match in which Lionel Messi was suspended. PSG won 3-1 against Troyes in the League One match on Sunday night. PSG, who took the field after Messi was suspended, kept Troyes under …

Why can’t get pregnant : आप गर्भवती क्यों नहीं हो सकतीं ?

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  • 1 year ago
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Why can’t you get pregnant ? : यह देखा गया है कि पूरी दुनिया में शुक्राणु की गुणवत्ता में गिरावट आ रही है। इस तरह की घटती गुणवत्ता के कारणों के बारे में ज्यादा चर्चा नहीं की जाती है, जिसे बांझपन …

Coca-Cola Beverages Nepal announces new water stewardship projects to enhance community resilience

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  • 1 year ago
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Kathmandu . As a part of its Water Stewardship efforts, Coca-Cola Beverages Nepal announces four new projects for the year 2023-2024 including the rejuvenation of Baisdhara in Balaju Park, and WASH systems as well as Rain Water Harvesting & Groundwater …