Kathmandu: Kathmandu Model City (KMC) Hospital is preparing to discharge Captain Manish Ratna Shakya, who was injured in the Saurya Airlines plane crash. Captain Shakya’s health has improved and he is prepared for discharge today, according to hospital director and House of Representatives member Dr. Sunil Sharma.

Purna Bahadur Khadka, the vice president of the Congress, went to the hospital on Thursday to see how Shakya was doing. Dr. Sharma, who was with Khadka, evaluated Shakya’s condition and thanked the medical personnel for their effective and committed treatment, which was essential to Shakya’s recovery.

Dr. Sharma further emphasized how the hospital’s technological prowess is demonstrated by Shakya’s excellent recovery.

Dr. Meena Thapa, the hospital director, also mentioned that Shakya’s health is getting better. “His treatment is ongoing, but he does not need to stay in the hospital,” she stated. He is able to continue receiving follow-up treatments and therapy at home.”

Manish Ratna Shakya

Captain Shakya is prohibited by the Civil Aviation Authority from speaking about the incident at this time. Shakya’s scheduled press appearance at the hospital has been canceled as a result.

There were eighteen people killed in the plane crash that happened on July 23 while it was flying from Tribhuvan International Airport to Pokhara. After being pulled from the wreckage, Captain Shakya was sent to KMC Hospital with injuries.

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