CPN (UML) Chairman KP Sharma Oli and other observers held a press meet to supervise the general election of the 7th National Legislature of Cambodia.

Statement : of the Delegation of the Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal on the General Elections in the Kingdom of Cambodia

Issued on 24 July 2023

Phnom Penh, Kingdom of Cambodia

The delegation of the Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal consists of 14 members who attended as international observers of the 23 July 2023 general elections in Cambodia. The delegation had the opportunity to observe the pre-election White Day, a day before voting, and all the proceedings during the election day. The delegation attended the briefing session on the Cambodian electoral system and procedures before the election day and exchanged views with other local and international observers on the democratic and electoral system of Cambodia.

PN UML Chairman KP Oli who is currently in Cambodia 2

The delegation’s assessment of the 2023 general elections in Cambodia was based on our direct involvement on the ground observing the electoral process before and on the election day, including the opening and closing of polling stations and vote counting.

PN UML Chairman KP Oli who is currently in Cambodia 4

On the election day, our delegation visited several polling stations in Phnom Penh (1. Toul Kork Primary School; Toul kork, Phnom Penh, 2. Hun Sen Prek Ruessey Primary School; Krong Tah Khmau, Kandal Province, and 3.Kroper Ha Primary School; Krong Tah Khmau, Kandal Province). We witnessed the whole voting process, from the opening to the closing and vote counting. We observed that the election proceeded smoothly, orderly, and peacefully. The voter turnout rate was high at our polling stations. In general, we observed that the voters were happy to exercise their rights to cast ballots confidentially without experiencing any intimidation and the local authorities concerned, including the police and security forces were on full alert and provided good security.

PN UML Chairman KP Oli who is currently in Cambodia 3

The polling stations were equipped with adequate equipment and materials and staffed by polling officers who were properly trained to handle the voting procedures and facilitate voters. At the polling stations, there were observers from local NGOs and representatives from political parties. The vote counting was conducted openly and transparently.

PN UML Chairman KP Oli who is currently in Cambodia

The delegation concluded that the 2023 general elections in Cambodia are free and fair. We congratulate the Cambodian government on the democratic progress and applaud the people of Cambodia for the success of the election which was conducted in an open, transparent, inclusive and peaceful manner.

K P Sharma Oli

Former prime minister of Nepal

(Head of Delegation)

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