New Delhi. It is not easy to believe when you hear about the game of wife swapping, but one incident has reached the police.

In which, when the husband tried to exchange his wife with someone else, she ran away and reached the police, and it came to light that it was a big network. The incident came to light after a newly married 21-year-old woman from Bhopal, India ran away and went to the police.

A 21 year old girl became a victim in the game of wife swapping this is how the mystery was revealed

According to the Indian media, the husband of the manager of the five-star hotel tried to use his wife in a wife-swapping game, but when the wife refused, he was tortured. The wife ran away after the husband continued to pressurize her.

It is said that the husband also beat the wife. Her husband Mohammad Ammar has said that he is a new generation and educated and considers it normal to exchange wives. But when the wife did not agree, the incident came to the police after she was tortured by calling her a cow.

The police are searching to arrest her husband. According to the young woman, this is a big network.

It is characterized by enjoying each other’s wives for physical satisfaction. It was their way of getting close to the person their wives came in contact with and taking their wives for themselves.

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