Taplejung, Aug 7 : The ongoing construction works of drinking water project at Pathivara Temple area have been halted after 80 per cent completion.

Disputes surfaced regarding the land where major water tank is constructed. It led to the halt on ongoing works. The project was begun last year in a joint investment of government and locals in the areas. The government is bearing 70 per cent cost while locals 30 per cent for the project. The project was being constructed lifting the water from about four kilometer down in the settlement and temple area. The famous temple area is facing acute shortage of drinking water for long.

Pathivara drinking water project

It is shared that the Pathivara Devi Darshan Cable Car Pvt is claiming the land ownership where the water tank and other infrastructures were being constructed in full swing. The water tank with 50,000 liter capacity and pump house are constructed in the same land where the company is disputing for land ownership.

Following this, engineers at the consumers’ committee and the federal drinking water and waste management project relocated the project site. However, the consumers’ committee and representatives of the cable car company had directed suspension of the project after the completion of the 50 percent of construction work.

Nanda Kumar Ojha, representative of the construction company, Prera Bishnu JV, Ilam, said land acquisition disputes led to a halt in the project time and again.

A meeting of the consumers’ committee on July 25 had decided not to let construction of any structures in the area where there is the water source.

Efforts to provide lands for the project on behalf of the committee were underway, but the Cable Car PVT. LTD. is yet to respond, it has been said. (RSS)

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